The promises of God are like points on the map of our individual, spiritual journey. They point us in the direction we are meant to go. They are the secrets locked deep inside our soul of who we are meant to be, and what we are meant to do in the world.
We may not always recognize these points as promises. They may be the things we feel compelled to do or reach for, the passions and dreams that lay before us. They may be opportunities that come along, that just feel right, but also challenge us to step out, take a risk, and trust that something better will come as a result. All of these intuited markers, if we allow for and follow them, will call us forward in pursuit of our God-given mission. They are the things God has destined us for.
Take some time today to ask God to reveal the hidden talents, skills, desires, and dreams that may be the promises God wants to fulfill in your life. The pursuit of clarifying and following those promises will lead you on the journey God has written out just for you.