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81 - Together Newsletter # 1

Writer's picture: J. Randall StewartJ. Randall Stewart

Updated: Oct 8, 2023

Every generation needs a fresh re-telling of the Gospel. The message never changes, but the way we declare it can. Even if the younger generations are giving up on “church”, the Church must not give up on them.

God has given me a passion and desire to reach the younger generations with the Gospel of Jesus. I know what it’s like to feel like “church” doesn't fit me. I believe God is raising up a new generation of Christ-followers to bring about a new kind of church to reach the younger generations who also feel like the current expressions of church don’t fit them.

My attempt to explain this new kind of church started with the Podcast Series “Calling all Mysfits”. In that series I began exploring what that new kind of Church could be. After that God lead me to realize that I am a Christian Mystic, and I began exploring what that meant for me in light of my 40-year journey with Christ. That lead to the Podcast Series “Calling All Mystics: Notes From the Road.”

I recorded the first episode, “Ranger”, while on vacation at Myrtle Beach, SC. Returning home from vacation, I recorded the next 17 episodes of that series in less than two weeks. In C.A.M., I was wrestling through my understanding of my own journey into Christian Contemplation and Mysticism. God revealed a lot to me during that time. With those 18 episodes ready to go, I took a break from recording. There were things God was still teaching me that I couldn’t yet put into words. The last of those 18 episodes just released today.

After a few months, the Spirit stirred in me early one morning, and I walked out of my house, into my yard and recorded “Setting Out” in one take. It was the summation of my struggle to understand where I’d been in my own journey with Church, and where I wanted to go.

I knew I wanted this recording to be delivered through video format, instead of a podcast. So, a few weeks later I set out with my eleven-year-old son to shoot the video. It was his idea for me to film him as a part of that, and I ended up using him to represent my younger self.

About 6 months prior, I had deleted the bulk of my 180 videos from my previous YouTube channel, and developed a new Channel called “Let’s Talk Church.” The idea of this new video channel was to foster conversations from all sides about Jesus and His followers. After completing the “Setting Out” video, I posted it on this new channel as the first video.

After an almost four-month break from podcast recording, a new idea was stirring in me. I felt ready to explain the deep work God has been doing in me over the last 8 years of my journey. I felt like I finally had the words, and fresh way to explain what Salvation and New Life in Jesus is about. Out of that was born “Balance”, a new section within the C.A.M. podcast series. I wanted to start out in the first episode with a clear call to accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and receive the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. I end that first episode by inviting listeners to pray with me to receive Jesus and the Spirit. From there the next thirteen episodes came quickly. The Spirit was moving.

The first "Note" from this series will be released next Saturday, October 14th, the same day as a Solar Eclipse.

That episode series is now complete, and I’m already eight episodes into the next section of C.A.M., entitled “Communion.” Where “Balance” attempts to explain salvation in Christ, “Communion” attempts to explain what it looks like to reach towards a personal knowing of God through the Holy Spirit. At this point I’m recording an episode almost every morning. The Spirit is still flowing.

After releasing the first episode of C.A.M., I decided to release my first book in the “Church Renewal Series” as a series of podcasts and blogs. I’d written the first four books of this series over the winter of 2022, and had spent the spring of 2023 going back through and editing them. I’ve always released one podcast a week, every Saturday morning. So, I decided to release my first book every Wednesday morning. At this point, there’s only 2 chapters left to go.

So, where do I see all of this going, and what is my long-term plan?

The first part of the plan is to build my message. Done! Then next part is to build an audience. That’s in process. The next phase would be to put together an evangelistic outreach program, and start touring. That’s the next five years. The next phase would be to build the first Harbor, the home base of operations. That home base Harbor would eventually include a ministry school, retreat center, recording studio, film studio, and publishing house. That would be the next five years. After that, the next phase would be to establish a Harbor retreat in every state of the United States, and eventually overseas, with the focus of providing a place for pastors and Christians to get away and get more in tune with God through a focused introduction and teaching on Christian Contemplation and Mysticism.

So, what am I asking of you?

I want people to walk with me, to share in this journey. I’m asking for prayer and fellowship. I’m not asking for money. Five years ago, my wife and I started our construction company. I want to fund this ministry through the tentmaking efforts of our construction business. What I want from you is support, wisdom, encouragement, and prayer.

I believe God is about to do something big in my life, with this ministry. I want you to consider sharing in the big things God wants to do through me, and through many others, to bring about a new kind of Church for the younger generations. Amen!

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